An Experiment Involving Online Gaming and Expertise Theory

Now, this particular blog has been a bit slow due to the effects and distractions of everyday life.  

So, to keep my interest in blogging, I am going to use this blog as a log for tracking my progress in an online game, League of Legends.  Now, to make matters more interesting, I am going to employ some of my readings on learning theory and educational psychology, including expertise, mastery and cognitive psychology.

 Why bother to do this?  Well there's a few reasons.

First, there is an incredible amount of ageism in the League community.  As a fifty-some year old player, it amazes me to no end how quickly they throw around terms like "boomer" (to people who are in their thirties?  And this is not to mention how people use the term when they describe bad play.).  Plus, there is a surprising number of streamers show a complete lack of respect for people who are probably old enough to be their parents.  

Second, I have had in interest in neuroplasticity and the ability of people to learn skills quickly and efficiently.  MOBAs are often held up as being challenging or difficult games to learn.  So, I am curious if it is possible to break down a series of complex skills into smaller pieces that could be learned quickly, efficiently and effectively.

Third, while I have tinkered with League and other online games before, I've never really tried to "climb" a ranked ladder.  The ladder itself is an interesting measure of skill and ability.  It will offer a gauge of how well I have been able to apply those various learning skills.

And fourth and finally, it will also offer me a means of breaking down some of the ideas and concepts related to expertise that I have been encountering in the literature.  Perhaps by doing this, I can further my own knowledge of this body of academic literature.



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